Saturday, December 13, 2008


My daughter as "The Spirit of Winter"

Beautiful Trees 

The AEP & Family

"These Are A Few of My Favorite Things"

From our house to yours - I hope you are having a merry Christmas-time wherever you may be!
Here are a few things (in no particular order) that make my Christmas bright:

Vince Guaraldi's "Charlie Brown Christmas" - I've spent many late nights listening to this while working on a big Christmas show that I used to produce.
Donna Summer's "Christmas Spirit" - I was not so much of fan of Donna's earlier disco stuff, but on this project - the woman can SANG!  She "tears it up" - in a worshipful, holiday sort of way!
Enya's "And Winter Came" - A new family favorite this year from the lady who sings/plays all 500 tracks on a song by herself.  This is alot like her other albums, but lends a nice backdrop for home activities.

This Italian fruit-bread is great toasted with a good cup of joe.
My wife usually gets one of these for me early each December.
To me it says "Christmas Time is here".

I love decking out our house, our church,  my wife's school - wherever -  for Christmas.  God seems to have given me a knack for it, and it's part of how I say "Happy Birthday" to Jesus.

Man!  I think they have about 20 new scents for this year!  My kids and I like to waste time smelling and critiquing the scents at the Yankee Store.  This year, we're using "Mandarin-Cranberry" at our house.

SNOW! (See photo)
We get about 2 decent snows here in Tennessee each year, so we get really excited about snow - especially around Christmas!

Add ImageMY KIDS! (See photo)
Add ImageAdd ImageAdd ImageAdd ImageSweetest children in the world - my kids!  (I know you'll beg to differ, but it's true!)  Seeing Christmas through their eyes brings out the kid in me.  It's wonderful to be able to pass down our faith and traditions to our kids at Christmas.

I have a love/hate relationship with them.  I been involved with them my whole life in some way.  They are wonderful, but if you're in one, it can kill you - time & energy-wise.  I used to produce the "Christmas @ the Ryman" Show for my old employer, but thanks to the accountants who guard the bottom line, those days are gone.  I hope that you are able to celebrate through a moving Christmas Musical this year.

The Bible says Jesus came "In the fullness of time".  I wish I really knew what that meant. I have pondered that for a long time.  For me - I  know that Jesus meets me at the time of my need, "just as I am" as the old song says.
Mind boggling - The KING of the universe choosing to come to us through a simple young girl - in a smelly stable.  So confounding, yet, so approachable to everyone.  Jesus came as the ultimate gift from God to us.



Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The AEP Glossary: What's Your "CQ"?

Doing creative-based work for many years has made me make up alot of my own terms. If you worked with me, you may hear me say things like "Hose down" the room, or "Tweak the order".  With this post, I'm going to begin sharing some of my terminologies and the meanings - and - how they may help you in your work.

Today, I want to talk about what I call "CQ".  NO- it's not "GQ"!  "CQ" - as defined by me stands for "Change Quotient".   I've realized over the years that everyone has their own change quotient or "CQ" as I call it.
Some people have very little to almost no CQ.  I and many creatives have a very high CQ.
The CQ concept is about how much change you can envision and tolerate.

I've often been brought into (long) meetings to discuss ideas on how to make changes to programs or products that need a fresh start.  Now - with my high CQ level, I'm usually sitting there re-inventing / re-envisioning what we could do to breath new life into something.  I've learned the hard way that usually, the folks sitting on the other side of the table from me are thinking "David - You could guide us in changing the background of our Powerpoint slides from blue to red"!  (Oooooohhh - how EDGY is that!!!) 

As simple as it seems, this was a very powerful revelation for me.  Not everyone can visualize or envision the same way that you may be able to.  I learned to ask some questions early in the meetings that would help be determine the various CQ's represented in the room.  I was able to speak more specifically and intelligently to the issues presented when I did so.  I learned to take people more gradually through the change process so they could more easily absorb it and be less frightened of the process and outcome.

I hope this is a little helpful concept for you as you do creative work.
What's your CQ?

Thursday, October 30, 2008

17 Things NOT To Do At An Event

I wish that I would have written this great post - 17 Things NOT To Do At An Event. 
But alas,  it was written by Michael Broome - a motivational speaker with Premiere Speakers Bureau.  There's a LOT of truth in this humorous, dead-on article.
AEP's Read & Learn!

Halloween Fun

The AEP is finally back in town, back in the saddle and will post some fun stuff over the next few days.
We are getting ready for Halloween at our house, having fun with some costumes.  Here are some of my favorite costume shots.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Where it all began for the AEP

Today is my dad's Birthday.  Eugene Hassell turns 80 years old.  

Born in 1928, he grew up poor in rural Kimbrell, Alabama. His dad (James Cleon) was a WWI verteran.  One of the "Fighting Wildcats" (but I'm not sure of any details other than that.) His mom (Myrtle Iva-lou) was of Irish descent from the clan of McDougal.  His grandpa - my great-grandpa lived to be 107 years old.

My dad worked hard all his life.  He still does today.  He's currently restoring his 1952 Ford Crown Victoria.  It was the first new car he ever bought.  And - he still owns it!

Dad taught me the value of a job done well.  Especially if it was for someone else.  He taught me to stick with it - even when you wanted to quit.  He toughed out 35 years of hard work as a steel worker, AND 35 years working in the National Guard before retiring from both.

Dad was in charge of supplies for the National Guard.  That means organizing and inventory of thousands of items for his unit. He is a natural organizer.  Never loses anything.  I think my organization and attention to detail came genetically thought him. I never asked him to teach me to organize.  I just watched him do it my whole life. It's certainly come in handy and been part of my success in the various jobs I've held.

I've had my moments of not understanding my dad, but I know that he loves me and I love him.
This weekend, the Hassell's are taking a road trip to Noccalula Falls State Park in Gadsden, AL to throw a little party for my dad.  After that, I'm going to spend the week with my parents at their house and do some painting for them.

Happy 80th Birthday Gene Hassell!  May you have many more!
Love from your son, David

Thursday, October 9, 2008

A Word 'Bout N'awlins

The AEP is glad to be home from the N'awlins (New Orleans) mission trip.  My church sent about 60 men to help in a variety of projects.  Some helped rebuild a church, some did drywall, some worked in a community food pantry.  

I - the AEP - LAID TILE!  I spent the weekend on my knees laying tan 18" X 18" tiles for our homeowner "Kathy" (shown at the left).  

My team and I really enjoyed watching her reactions as she saw her home take a giant leap toward her living in it. I worked with my teamates: Wade Conway, Alan Pickerell, Troy Jennings, Tyler McNutt and a young dude named "Chase". We all became good buddies as we mortared, grouted, and cleaned.
I had never laid tile before - but now - HEY, if you need some tile laid, the AEP needs some work! :)
It was good to pray with Kathy and help her get a few steps closer to living back in her home. 
Let me ask if you would pray for her too.  She's been taken advantage of by a couple of contractors that owe her work for money she's paid them.  There's alot of scamming going on in New Orleans these days as folks try to hire contractors to help them rebuild.

An Event Idea I picked up while in the "Big Easy" was "SNO-BALLS".  Basically, grown-up snow cones made with shaved ice and a huge variety of flavored syrups.  Some of the more popular flavors were yellow-cake batter, chocolate mint, white chocolate chip and orange dreamscicle.  They even had some custom syrups called "batman" (orange mango), "Joker" (mixed berry), "Robin" (?) and other character-named flavors. You could also get your sno-ball with a scoop of vanilla soft-serve buried inside. It would be great fun to have these at a more informal event.  If you have a local contact for shaved ice, you could easily make this work out.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

On The Road with The AEP

I will be on the road the next few days.  I'm going to New Orleans on a work/mission trip. 
I'll be with about 60 of my closest friends from my churches men's ministry.

If I run across something interesting on the trip, I'll do a brief post from my iphone.
Back early next week.

Happy event planning!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Today with the AEP

Today, I helped setup for a banquet sponsored by Nashville's "Operation Andrew Group".  OAG is a community ministry organization made up of influential volunteers from a wide range of Nashville businesses.  They sponsor the annual "National Day of Prayer", "Nashville Community Thanksgiving Service"  and other large events. This event was their annual "Honor Banquet" for area pastors and their wives.  

As I've alluded to in previous posts, ministries never have budget to do fancy setups, so we had to get creative and resourceful for our decorations - and spend under $5.00 per table! 

The banquet theme was "Harvest" - SO - I suggested we do small shocks of wheat in some form for each table.  

Janet Slayden (pictured) from Operation Andrew put feet to the idea and rounded up stalks of of wheat to bundle with a ribbon and standup in a flower pot filled with sand.  A dowel rod inserted in the sand kept the stalks standing upright.  As simple as this was, it looked great when we got 28 tables set with them. We finished the simple setup by standing the programs like table tents at each place setting.  The caterer was going to pre-set salads and desserts. (filling in more table space).  If we would have had more $$$ and time, I would have painted the clay pots and added a few votive candles.  

I share this so very simple idea because the Accidental Event Planner knows that most planners have to make something from nothing more often than not.  This is an idea you can put in your "mental blender" for later!

AEP Tip:  When your budget is low and you have to use simple items for setup, keep in mind that when you multiply the item in the room, it gains "visual strength".  
This is kind of like choosing paint shades for your wall. I've learned to choose the color chip that I want the wall to most look like when completed,  and then go 1 shade lighter.  Why? - Because when you multiply the color and fill the entire room with it, it intensifies. 

Friday, September 26, 2008


WAAYYY back in the early 80's, I sat in the first day of my "Intro to Music Business" class at Belmont Unversity taught by Dr. Bob Malloy.   "I  want to ask each of you something" Malloy said.  Then one-by-one, he asked every single person in the class "Are you creative?

A few students hem-hawed around, afraid to sound arrogant with their answer. "I think so", "maybe" said some.  Several said "no".  About 2/3 of the class stepped up and boldy answered "yes".  Malloy waited until the entire class had responded before he said "those of you who answered no or maybe should change your major and look for another career."  "If you're not creative in this business - you won't make it".  BOLD! Gutsy - and TRUE.

Since I moved from full-time music to the world of events & production, I can say the same holds true for those fields as well.  Those who are not creative struggle with the work.  In my past corporate work, I've seen many "event planners" hired who interviewed well with the "suits", but had not a lick of an idea when it came to developing their work.

I've sat with those folks sharing ideas over the years, trying to help them out.  Most all them have asked me (with perplexed looks)  "Where did you get those ideas"  "How do you come up with this stuff".   I simply reply "I thought it up. (you moron!)"

So - Where does creativity come from?  There are many, many studies on this.  After all these years, my crass, gut-level take on it is either you have it, or you don't.  I think it's a gift.  I've had many ask me to teach others "how to be creative", and I've usually turned them down.  I don't feel that you can teach groups that may not have the basic gift needed to succeed in that area.  I DO however, feel that creativity can be cultivated. Some people may have a beginning or dormant creative gift that needs to be nurtured or awakened.

I think nurturing your creativity is about FILLING YOUR TANK.  I'm talking your mental creative tank here, not your car!
It's been proven that there are few truly original ideas.  Most creative people are masters at filling their tank with existing ideas that they can put in their "mental blender" and whip up something that comes off and fresh and original.  There's a great article on this very thing in this months FAST COMPANY Magazine.  You can read it online here.  The article stresses how fresh input is crucial to helping you take your thinking into new areas.

Here are few things I do to fill my creative tank:
  • I walk through malls & stores "absorbing". - I look at what kinds of displays there are, how did they build them, what colors do I see most, what kind of music is playing in the background.
  • I visit high-end hotel lobbies. - What kind of furniture did they use, what kind of spaces are they making for you to want to stop & linger, what colors, what smells, what music.
  • Restaurants - What kind of experience (beyond the food) are they building for you?  How does it make you feel?  Do you want to relax or hurry up and get out?  What are the trends in the foods they serve?
  • Movies - What are the vibes they are creating for you?  How cohesive and strong is the story? What kind of emotional connection have they created. Does the actor "become" the character.
Let me encourage you as event & production people to regularly fill your mental tank.  Get out - see and experience stuff around your town and in your travels.  Mentally file it away and then call on it when you need to create something new.  Mash the experience up with other ideas you have and create your own thing.
People will marvel and say "How do you come up with this stuff".  Which you can simply reply "I just thought it up (you moron!)"

Go and create!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Timing & Talent

I've been meaning for awhile to post about my take on the Olympic Opening Ceremonies, The Democratic Ntnl. Convention, and the Republican Ntnl. Convention. 

Now RELAX fellow AEP readers! I've told you in earlier posts that this is NOT a political blog.  My point today is about observing these HUGE events with the eyes of an event planner.  Observing the critical timing, and volume of talent on display. 

As you watch these things unfold in the comfort of your living room, do you give a thought that behind the scenes there is an ARMY of people prepping, cueing, calling the shots, directing what pops and when!?!? And at the heart of it all, there is 1 Event Planner / Producer / Director calling the shots.

The Olympic Opening just astounded me!  I was BLOWN AWAY by the amount to creativity on display in the planning of this event.  It was like Cirque du Soleil on steroids. (at least to me!).  My life's wish is to actually be hired to sit in a meeting, spout out stuff like "I see people suspended at different angles running around a giant projection globe that rises from the stadium floor" - and have the people on the other side of the table LOVE it, GET it, and actually want to PAY for it!

The underlying thing for me with the Opening was the importance of timing and the huge volume of talent that had to be tapped to produce the show.  I think I heard that it took 8 months of rehearsal with the various groups of people that were on the field.  There were 2008 performers in each segment of the program.  I believe they said over 15,000 total were in the cast.  

As an event planner, imagine thinking through the timing of logistics of moving that many people from their pre-show staging area to getting them on the field, in the right place, in costume, with whatever technical thing, harness, or prop they would have needed - IN TIME for the camera.

STAGGERING!  I was again AMAZED at how smoothly, flawlessly the cast moved in the program. Not a dead moment in the thing.  Smooth overlaps, wonderful visuals to keep the audiences attention while the staging changed.  It was brilliant to incorporate the set and cast changes as a part of the show.

All said, in my previous event work with large groups, choirs, acting casts, etc., It was all that I could do to get 30-50 people on stage, on time, on cue, and get them to take the issue of timing seriously. I wish I had a tip for you on this, but other than cracking a whip and getting ugly backstage - I don't.  

The other issue for me with the Olympics was talent.  HOW did they find over 15,000 people that had the rhythm, dance skill, acting skill, sheer talent to pull off such a huge thing so well?  

Most of the productions I've done have been volunteer based.  Now - my vol's are dear folks that mean well and give their all to the program, But - I've struggled at times to find 5 people that could keep a beat and remember all the dance steps.

With the Olympic opener, I was amazed at the opening drum number - 2008 guys seeming to all have GREAT rhythm & timing - and dance skills to boot!
Do you have any tips on seeking / auditioning talent for producing shows?

So much of choosing talent and planning timing from the producer's standpoint is about going with your gut.  I think alot of it is about choosing / casting the right person you think is teachable for the role. Sometimes that's more important than their sheer talent alone.  

If a performer is used to "wowing" everyone with a certain set of talents, they may not be very flexible if you wish to take them in a slightly different direction for the show that they may not be used to..

Just a quick thought about the political conventions - 
I was also impressed with the sense of timing and camera shot with both these events.  The way they get all those cards out to the floor and up at just the right time to make the camera shot.  There are definately directors on the floor running, yelling and cueing the crowd to make that happen.  

I was also impressed by the use of giant projection at these events.  Looks like the DNC may have used alot of DL-2's (giant hi-def, moveable  video projectors) and the RNC looked like some sort of hi-def jumbotron behind their speakers. 

As an event planner or show producer, what are some tips that you can share about talent and timing?

Friday, September 19, 2008

Today with the AEP

Today, I'm setting up a men's dinner event for my church.  I'm guessing that you may often get "drafted" to do similar things.  As usual, since it's an event for the church, there's little budget.  (I don't know what it is with God's people, but why are they so constantly cheap!)

We expect about 200 men and I'm setting tables to seat 8.  Since it's a men's dinner, I didn't want to go with flowers and "pretty" colors.  But on the other hand, I didn't want to go with cammo & moose heads either. SO - Time to go shopping and see what's on hand to solve this scenario, all for under $200.  

AN AEP TIP:  I learned long ago to simply go and see what was available and on-hand, rather than dreaming up something and then NOT being able to find it, or having to make it. Save yourself the stress & time by using "off-the-shelf" items!

I had to go to a store that would have enough items to cover my 25 tables, plus a little extra for my under $200.00 budget... I chose HOBBY LOBBY for this time as they often have great 50% off sales.  

Budget dictated using plastic table covers. Wanting more masculine colors, I passed on all the neon bright (plastic) table cloths I saw and instead chose a mix of shades of brown, tan & purple.
I remembered reading along time ago somewhere that brown relates to purple somehow (who knew!) I found a napkin printed with a brown & white "batik" type pattern.  Really pulls together the mix of table cloth colors.

ANOTHER AEP TIP;  MOCK-IT UP! It helps if you'll layout your items so you can get an idea of how they'll all look together.  Sometimes, I've done this on the floor of the store!  This time, I was able to mock-it up in my shopping cart.

Tables covers are set! Now - what for a centerpiece?  I had thought about using some little potted fall cabbage plants (purple, white & green) but found something totally different while walking the Hobby Lobby aisles.  TWIG BALLS!  A big variety of balls made out of wound-up twigs and sponge-y stuff.  All in the browns & creams that would work with my setup.  AND - They were 50% off!!!  I AM BLESSED!  I'm adding a few cheap votive candles to finish out the setup.

I'm posting a photo of the elements I'm using for the setup.  
Maybe you have a men's event or family dinner for a man that you need to setup.  I hoping these colors and ideas might help you out.
What do you think?  What setups have you done for men's events?

The MAC is BACK!

Fellow AEP readers - (all 3 of you!) - 
Glad to announce that my MAC is finally out of the shop and back at home!
Stay tuned to the AEP for some fresh posts - starting TODAY!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Dear AEP readers - Sorry for the lack of posts!  I'm having some kind of trouble with my MAC's power supply.
It shuts off - frequently - making it difficult to get much of post going.
I'm taking it to the MAC Dr. this week.  Hope to be back up and posting on the AEP soon.


Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Planes, Germs, Hurricanes

I've been watching the coverage of hurricane Gustav merged with all the coverage of schedule changes for the Republican National Convention.  I'm NOT going to get political with you here, but I've been watching all this from an Event Planner's point of view. 
MAN!  I feel for whoever the RNC planners are!  I'm sure they have had little sleep the last few nights as they've had to juggle the schedules of cantidates, politicians and Presidents - while attempting to have some sort of programming on the live floor for the convention attendees. AND - they planners have to make sure it all looks very smooth and intentional. The GREAT Event Planners are the ones who can roll with the changes and still make it a great event.

I learned an important lesson early in my corporate event planning career that I'd like to pass to you today.
Here it is - EXPECT SOMETHING TO GO WRONG!  Now, stay with me or you may miss the point.  I don't mean that you should work yourself into a tizzy that EVERYTHING will come crashing down that you've planned.
Rather - I had to learn how to plan an event that I could re-direct at a moment's notice if necessary
I also had to figure out how to simplify my work and the way I did it so I could easily make changes. 

My first few years as an event planner, I planned things that took a cast of thousands, and an army of volunteers to make it happen.  I was producing some great stuff, but I was at the office ALL the time, ALL day, ALL night.  It was killing me - and my home life. I realized that if I was going to make it as an event planner, I was going to have to simplify my plans and how I approached the work.

One of the first "tenants" of event planning that I adopted at the time was this:  "Events are about people, and when you work with people, someone will get sick, someone will have a late flight, someone will cancel".  
I learned to anticipate sicknesses and delays, even family deaths that would happen as I was juggling hundreds of conference speakers and volunteers.  I learned to plan conferences / sessions that I could easily combine if I needed.  
For example: I starting cutting the number of breakouts I held to maximize the seating in the rooms where they were held  Instead of having say, 36 breakouts with 30-50 in the room, I cut back the choices to 18 breakouts with 100+ in the rooms. I also chose to hire better quality speakers that really brought their A-game, taught "hotter" topics, and enjoyed the energy of a packed room.  (Be careful!  I also made a few enemies from some of the lesser-quality folks that we used to hire every year!)

I also began to trim back in the way I did staging.  Now hear me - I LOVE to build out a great big stage setup, but instead of building a bunch of wooden & foam core flats with overheads, rigging and other set props, I started to concentrate on 1 main focal point.  To simplify - I began to use fabrics and uplight them.  They go up and come down in minutes and always look good.  For awhile I was on a parachute kick, using white or army green parachutes to drape the stage and lighting them in creative ways.

I think you get my drift by now.  I still plan with big vision, but simplify the steps.  I've found that as long as I hold to quality in my simplicity, that most of my attendees are quite happy. Those of you who are pro planners will kill yourselves if you keep trying to top the last thing you did.

One last thing - when it came to hiring speakers, conference leaders, musicians - wading through all their individual contracts was a big time-soaker for me and our legal dept.  I came up with a standardized contract (with our legal dept.) that I used with most all of the folks I hired (with their permission).  As long as I covered all the basics of their fees, travel & lodging, most of them were fine if I sent my contract to them.  This was a BIG time-saver for me, as I could just fill-in the blanks for each person and send the contract to them.

I hope today's post encourages you to begin thinking how you can simplify how you work.
Share in the comments how you may have done this!

The AEP - Dave

Friday, August 29, 2008

"It All Starts With A Song..."

I live in Nashville, TN.  "Music City USA" it's often called. "It all starts with a song" is a VERY common phrase tossed around in the music industry here.  
I think that phrase can also apply to how you put together an event.  Music is a proven mood-enhancer & vibe generator. The music you choose to set the mood for your event will set the tone and vibe that you want your guests to enjoy and take away when they leave.  

"Dave - DUH - this is SO simple" you say!  I agree, but I can't tell you how often I walk into an event, office building lobby, meeting room that is STONE SILENT.  You know that weird feeling you get when its soooooo silent.  Everyone feels uncomfortable.  
Just yesterday, I was visiting a global company based here in Nashville. Beautiful furniture, great art on the wall, lots of stainless and great textures - but SILENT as a tomb.  I sat there admiring the decor, but felt so uncomfortable as I heard the receptionist breathing across the lobby desk.  Some music playing in their beautiful entry would instantly help smooth some of the awkwardness of the silence their guests are subjected to.

"OK Dave - How does this relate to my event?"  
We as event planners should be striving to create a total "experience" for our guests, including what they hear and see - not just simply checking off the schedule items & catering throughout the day.
It all starts when people enter wherever the event is held.  What do your guests hear & see when they first come in?  Those first impressions truly set their minds for what the rest of the event might be like.

Don't subject them to awkward silence as they enter, or through the breaks that may be scheduled in the meeting. ON the other side of the coin, if you do use music, don't rock 'em too hard - (unless you're doing a rocking event! - which most business meetings are NOT! ) Find some appropriate, quality music to roll on CD or from your ipod during these times.  Or - if you have a great option for live players (and the $$ these days) live is always great!  

I took a little time and made up some playlists in my itunes that I could use for this very thing.  I called 1 mix "Up Mornings".  It had a variety of upbeat, jazzy instrumentals and easy vocals to bring some energy to those early morning, over-coffee times. Another was called "Spa Mix".  You guessed it - total chill to soften the room if things were tight at break-times.  You get the idea. You can create your own "Vibe CD's".  
I suggest also burning CD's of the mixes you create and keeping them in your folder that you always have with you.  I've been able to create "instant ambience" at the drop of a hat because I had 2 or 3 of these CD's with me.
Especially if there's not a jack for your ipod to play over the PA system.

It all starts with the song here in Nashville.  Let that become the rule for your events and meetings as well.
Your guests will be glad! 

DAVE's best picks for event entry / Break music:
Anything by these artists will give your event a fresh sound and fresh vibe: 
  • Pat Metheny  ( a great contemporary/jazz/world vibe for professional settings. Search itunes for Pat's music)
  • Guitarist Keith Cooper -  (brilliant acoustic guitar work in many styles. Keith is also AWESOME to bring in live!)
  • Moya Brennan -  (world-renown celtic artist - Moya is Enya's sister!)
Please share some of your music tips in the comments!



WELCOME to a new blog for people who find themselves in the wonderful, stressful, wacky position of having to plan a key event for work, church, school. etc.  Visit often for great tips on creating 1st-Class event experiences for your friends, family and coworkers.

David Hassell
The Accidental Event Planner